Gartners Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms 2019

A quick visual analysis of the 2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI and Analytics Platforms. This analysis first appeared on a personal blog.

This analysis was first published on a personal blog on February 14th 2019.

The leaders of 2018 stay on top in 2019: Microsoft Power BI and Tableau.

Qlik: loosing a bit of ground on the Completeness of Vision axis, but again in the Leaders quadrant for the 9th year in row.

Newcomer in the Leaders quadrant in 2019 is Thoughtspot, that keeps  performing very well after a jump to the Visionaries quadrant in 2018.

Tibco software rises as well in the Visionaries quadrant but comes just short of getting into the Leaders quadrant.

The big ones : SAS and SAP stay put, but IBM drops out of the Visionaries quadrant.

Performing better than last year in the Niche Players Quadrant:  Looker, BOARD International, Yellowfin, Pyramid Analytics and Logi  Analytics.

Dropping a bit in this quadrant: Birst and Information Builders.

Staying more or less in the same spot: Microstrategy, Domo and Oracle (and SAS and SAP, but we already mentioned them).

Newcomer: GoodData, with a nice position in the Niche Players Quadrant.

No vendor dropped out of the Quadrant this year.