Gartners Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms 2020

A quick visual analysis of the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for BI and Analytics Platforms. This analysis first appeared on a personal blog on February 13th 2020.

Not much change in the Leader quadrant. The leaders stay the leaders. Microsoft seems to get ahead even more on the completeness of vision axis. Also the other vendors marked with a yellow dot stay more or less in the same position. Birst, Domo and Board International

The players in the green are doing will moving up in the challengers quadrant, and Tibco almost MicroStrategy making the Leader quadrant.

The big players SAS, SAP and IBM win back a bit on the ability to execute axis, but not as much as Oracle and Yellowfin who both enter the Visionaries quadrant. They're all pretty close to each other and to Salesforce and Sinsense who both go down (and left).

Or: take a look for yourself: