Gartners Magic Quadrant for BI Platforms 2022

Every year in spring Gartner comes with its magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence and Analytics Platforms.

As a yearly tradition I make a quick visual analysis using colors and arrows to indicate the movements of this year on the quadrant of the previous year. I have not yet been able to get my hands on the full report this year but already wanted to share this with you. As always, please take reports like these with a grain of salt and keep in mind that Gartner also is a commercial player.

If anything get my attention this year, it is that there are almost no movements of the different softwares in the quadrant. They stay all more or less in the same spot on the x- and y-axis: completeness of vision and ability to execute. The only moves that jump out are the move down of Microstrategy and the move up of Alibaba cloud. 

Magic Quadrant for BI 2022

Tableau is shown as Salesforce and Looker as Google. As new players we see Zoho, Telius and Incorta. Board, Infor and Information Builders are no longer shown in the Quadrant. AWS is Quicksight.