Business Intelligence gaat niet over technologie, maar over de transformatie van uw bedrijf.
Business Intelligence gaat niet over technologie, maar over de transformatie van uw bedrijf.
I was interviewed during a YouTube live session about implementing a data strategy. Find out how to start with data strategy.
I was interviewed during a YouTube live session about implementing a data strategy. Find out how to start with data strategy.
Ik had het over bonen - ja, echte bonen - sommigen noemen het genchi genbutsu. Benieuwd naar meer? Bekijk de video.
Ik had het over bonen - ja, echte bonen - sommigen noemen het genchi genbutsu. Benieuwd naar meer? Bekijk de video.
Hugh asked me to talk about data lineage for construction companies, but the conversation was more wide ranging than that.
Hugh asked me to talk about data lineage for construction companies, but the conversation was more wide ranging than that.
I appeared on the audit podcast to talk about building a data strategy for the internal audit department.
I appeared on the audit podcast to talk about building a data strategy for the internal audit department.