You need a plan

Where to start? Start with a plan. We call this plan a business intelligence strategy roadmap. ‍It is based on your company’s unique vision, objectives and priorities on how to use data to create value.

Let's have a conversation

During a short discovery call we already get a feeling for the challenges and priorities of the data champion. We usually only present one or two slides to provide context for the conversation. If I think it can help I provide information about Xudo upfront so that you can browse it on your time and tempo and we don't loose valuable time during the call. A first version of the dataflow framework is drawn up.

Leadership alignment

Then we will organize a workshop to create leadership alignment around the expectations and goals for the data program at your organization. During an interactive session with the leadership team we verify or discard our first version of the dataflow visual and we dig deeper to find out where you are now, where you want to go and how to get there.

Business Intelligence strategy roadmap

Next step is to flesh out the different building blocks of the BI strategy roadmap in more detail. Of course this is based on the results of the alignment session and in line with the priorities of the organization. We call these building blocks data products in the broad sense.

Implementation guidance

Finally we take a supporting role during the implementation of the data products as product owner or sparring partner of the project sponsor. Goal is to guard the vision of the data products and be an independent guide during the implementation phase.

Read here how we helped our client Onafhankelijk Leven to use their data in a way that is focused on their strategic goals. Are you ready to plan a leadership alignment session?