Data Strategie

Een data strategie omschrijft hoe je meer waarde uit je data kan halen en ontwerpt een plan om dit voor elkaar te krijgen.
Hoe data door een organisatie stroomt

Het uiteindelijke doel van het opzetten van business intelligence is om je strategie te realiseren door continu je organisatie te verbeteren.

Hoe data door een organisatie stroomt

Het uiteindelijke doel van het opzetten van business intelligence is om je strategie te realiseren door continu je organisatie te verbeteren.

Wanneer heb je een datawarehouse nodig?

Data van verschillende applicaties transformeren en integreren in een vorm die geschikt is voor data-analyse? Dit wordt gedaan in een datawarehouse.

Wanneer heb je een datawarehouse nodig?

Data van verschillende applicaties transformeren en integreren in een vorm die geschikt is voor data-analyse? Dit wordt gedaan in een datawarehouse.

Één bron van waarheid of meerdere: wat werkt het best?

Gedurende de voorbije jaren probeerde ik een enkele bron van de waarheid te creëren - a single source of truth (SSOT) . Nu lees ik over een architectuur met meerdere versies van de waarheid - multiple versions of the truth (MVOTs). Maar wacht even, was dit niet precies wat we probeerden uit te roeien? Laat ons eens van dichterbij bekijken wat er precies bedoeld wordt.

Één bron van waarheid of meerdere: wat werkt het best?

Gedurende de voorbije jaren probeerde ik een enkele bron van de waarheid te creëren - a single source of truth (SSOT) . Nu lees ik over een architectuur met meerdere versies van de waarheid - multiple versions of the truth (MVOTs). Maar wacht even, was dit niet precies wat we probeerden uit te roeien? Laat ons eens van dichterbij bekijken wat er precies bedoeld wordt.

Data product or data project?

Once you take the decision to build a data product, you will need projects to build certain aspects of the product roadmap.

Data product or data project?

Once you take the decision to build a data product, you will need projects to build certain aspects of the product roadmap.

Bring your data accounting up to speed

Organizations who get their data accounting in order now will have a competitive advantage in the future.

Bring your data accounting up to speed

Organizations who get their data accounting in order now will have a competitive advantage in the future.

Connecting data strategy, data architecture and data culture

Get the full benefits from your data by connecting data strategy, data architecture and data culture.

Connecting data strategy, data architecture and data culture

Get the full benefits from your data by connecting data strategy, data architecture and data culture.

How to align your data strategy with your business strategy?

When reading about data strategy, the first comment that always comes up is the fact that the data strategy has to align with the business strategy.

How to align your data strategy with your business strategy?

When reading about data strategy, the first comment that always comes up is the fact that the data strategy has to align with the business strategy.

How to use your data to create an excellent customer experience?

How to use your data to create an excellent customer experience.

How to use your data to create an excellent customer experience?

How to use your data to create an excellent customer experience.

How to connect your data architecture with your data strategy?

How your data architecture looks like, depends on the data you need to follow up on your strategy.

How to connect your data architecture with your data strategy?

How your data architecture looks like, depends on the data you need to follow up on your strategy.

Closing the loop: data culture

If you're going to ignore the data and keep relying on your gut feeling to take the decisions, why bother in the first place.

Closing the loop: data culture

If you're going to ignore the data and keep relying on your gut feeling to take the decisions, why bother in the first place.

Navigating Complexity in the O2C Process

Getting more transparency in the order-to-cash process is crucial for improving cash flow forecasting and analyse profitability.

Navigating Complexity in the O2C Process

Getting more transparency in the order-to-cash process is crucial for improving cash flow forecasting and analyse profitability.

Why is finance so well placed to lead projects?

Are you in Finance? Don't underestimate your position to lead data projects!

Why is finance so well placed to lead projects?

Are you in Finance? Don't underestimate your position to lead data projects!

Mastering Data Projects: A Journey to Excellence

To excel in a data project, mastering these five crucial steps is essential.

Mastering Data Projects: A Journey to Excellence

To excel in a data project, mastering these five crucial steps is essential.

Chicken or egg?

Sometimes we talk to a prospect who thinks they are not ready to start a data project. Their processes and business applications are not on point yet, and they first want to put this in order. Understandable, but is the argument correct?

Chicken or egg?

Sometimes we talk to a prospect who thinks they are not ready to start a data project. Their processes and business applications are not on point yet, and they first want to put this in order. Understandable, but is the argument correct?

Data Modeling: Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Insights

Data Modeling is the key to shaping raw data into a powerful tool for decision-making, making it not just understandable but actionable.

Data Modeling: Transforming Raw Data into Actionable Insights

Data Modeling is the key to shaping raw data into a powerful tool for decision-making, making it not just understandable but actionable.

The Assumption Club

"I think we all know why we are here."

The Assumption Club

"I think we all know why we are here."